Saturday, November 6, 2010

If Superman Was Your Man

If superman was your man

would you chain him to your will

wall him to your thrill

keep his grace a taste

for your lips only

dress him up in tights and smile

cape and potato crotch…

toga thorn and urine? (just kidding)

if superman was your man

would you still be driving that

beat up Oldsmobile?

would you kiss the flight out of him

or pimp his individual genius

for an obscene amount of money?

(wouldn’t you almost have to?)

would you give him blue eyes

blonde thighs

broad shoulders and

Caesar hair?

Olive flesh

curls and an

intense stare?

would you make him so smart

that he hardly spoke at all?

would you make him incredibly tall

and built like a wall

chiseled from marble?

would you give him all of his marbles

or spare a few

so he’d be a little loosened up?

would he be a champion of chess

and intellectual debate

with a knowledge of wine and

classical music;

a sophisticated palate for

expensive cheese and sauce?

or would he be a rockNroll sex symbol

with strong open hands?

would you hold his hands

or nail them to a symbol?

would he have a comic book jaw line

model looks

buttered hair

proper facial stubble

and the latest fashion to wear? or

would he be unique to the species

with funny furry and unkempt hair

clothes worn for the weather

and a pair of laborers boots?

Or would he just be the man

who could get the highest

dance the longest

hold the strongest of promises

love the longest and

easiest too

the one you could love and miss

while he was flying around the city

saving kittens and

flaunting his brilliance?

would he be immortal or

wrapped in the coil too?

made to save the future or

to die in your arms with you?

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