Monday, March 4, 2013

Theoretical Existentialism

Would give anything to know the name
of anyone in heaven
anyone with a cause, a solution
a supreme function, a delight to share
a vision unlimited, supply demanded
an urgency with stashed cash
for rash getaways
gas for fast crafts and no plans
but to hammer down
anyone with a name, a stake in the game
a case of the gotta-go’s always too

would give anything for the color blue
to spill over everything in infinite shades
from opaque to black and back

{never forgives its rest
never settles or meddles in basements
kept locked with chains too heavy to cut
(keeps a pretty sturdy pair of
bolt-cutters handy)

Prays for more always
as the negotiation of space increases
with the enormity of the population}

would give anything for an irresponsible
callgirl cashflow
a pimp-less checklist all night fuckathon
with various would be criminals
and fathers
if not for reality

would give anything if not for reality
its painfully obvious comforting sting
its agreed upon common denominator
and sharp witted lies
its bloody nose heights
and heavy body (b)lows
its high nineties
and below zeroes

would give anything
for just one taste of that supreme jelly
that drips from that imagined
holy place
its immortal ferment
and omnisticky descent
from soil to belly

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Rockstar is a musician second. The music appeases the crowd into frenzy. The adoration is the Rockstar’s first most need – he’d be an actor if he wasn’t so clever with lyrics. The syncopated drums pound animal skins from past caves and recalls the ecstasy of the hunt and the madness which is conquering fear, which is evolution. (Important only after recognition of self. There was a Rockstar before there was a champion warrior.) Teenage girls scream and lose their minds like 1960’s British and American chicks during the first wave of drug crazed sexual revolution. The cunt appeared to enjoy orgasm and soon fought for women’s liberation which came in the form of pornographic art, which was quickly then manipulated into tool of trade to make trillions of dollars. The Rockstar tires of the repetitious formula and either overdoses drugs or knows his dosage like a good alchemist. There is no recovery from the self, give it only what it needs to improve. The machine needs fuel and time to rest to prevent overheating. Even the new F-35 jets which cost the American Taxpayers 300 Billion dollars run hot and crash. The Ejection seat was a fun ride. The Rockstar becomes Jesus Christ. The Rockstar wants nothing to do with meekness of Mohammad, the belly of Buddha or the confusions of Confucius. The Rockstar devours himself like Rimbaud’s imaginary wolf. He is immortal jellyfish able to age backwards like Benjamin Button and become singular, single-cellular… The self disguised as an abyss to sink into. The Rockstar dances around the edge of annihilation with his every wet kiss to the eternally fifteen year old audience. The song doesn’t remain the same! It ages in your head and becomes obsolete… I mean, it has many different nuances in every performance, some octaves higher, some notes stretched out and improvisations of various lengths between choruses… The Rockstar is image over sound; Jim Morrison’s pose, Mick Jagger’s strut, Paul McCartney’s fuck me satanic eyes and yes Elvis Presley’s hips will all live longer than Love, Love Me Do. The songs only matter that they came from such a sexually charged rebellious force, the anti-father, the anti-norm, the anti-suffocating society. The tragedy of the poem is that it was ever written. The teeth in the animal are jewelry. The Rockstar knows this and smiles with dynamite between his dentures. He is prepared to mark his seventy fifth birthday with a bang. None of the best groupies will be there, long dead…  

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Metaphysical Bartering

trade you a buffalo for a U.F.O.     a condom for a child
a kiss for a wish, or a dish of a well struggled mile

you can have my Christ for a story
that separates god from gold and glory

trade you a bible for a pistol     a poem for a riddle 
a list of the parts most missed     for something to miss

you can have my breath for a star
an infinite light burnt out
for a rusty hook to hang it on

trade you some noise for silence    an attractive distraction
for a cost design,     rope to get down
for a mountain to climb

you can have my best kept secret truths
for a well kept cloudy room
full of hustlers, drunks, and whores
who are mothers and lovers to incompetent fathers

trade you a messiah for a natural slaughter
a can of gasoline for your daughter
a town too bright for a light
and a fuse to use in the night

you can have my higher for something soft to land on
a pillow-pan for a dreamier head of laurel

trade you lick for lick     an eye for a tooth
a sucker punch truth best kept in a cloudy room

you can have my bomb for a boom
my soul for a womb
that exits me out a cleaner tomorrow

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I stuffed out the joint, and turned up the music. I slid off my shoe and gripped the worn rubber and exposed metal of the accelerator with my big toe. I felt the vibration of my ancient vehicle in my whole body as I sped up faster than usual. I was anxious to get there. The shaking of the 1980 Honda Accord aroused me. The shorts clinging to my thighs and balls and slowly stiffening cock were all that clothed me.

No more.

I slid the shorts off my left foot first. Gradually I shifted to driving with my left toe. I slipped off the tattered rags from my right foot. Now naked, I resumed driving with my right foot. My balls felt huge in my left hand as I gripped the wheel with my right. My aching cock arched and slapped above my belly button. Gently, I stroked the soft skin of my horn and every time I was about to ejaculate I stopped.

Repeating this performance, I drove fifty miles until, unable to restrain myself any longer, I gripped my prick tighter and stroked hard one last time until out shot a hot healthy stream of sperm – squirting up and hitting just beneath my chin, soaking my jugular, dripping from my hairy chest and oozing down to my thighs.

Is nothing sacred worth a damn?

Nashville was large and welcoming, cowboy city lights and average American denim. I let the semen dry on my skin as I pulled into the Denny’s parking lot stinking of the fecundate eruption; mushroom soup and honey, bleach and soil. I dressed sticky and met Kramer at a booth in the back and ordered black coffee.

Kramer Lyndon and I went to high school together. He came here to Vanderbilt University to study the letters of dead men. On a different path, I joined the carnival and traveled across Canada in a beat up Honda Accord. I couldn’t afford school, financially, emotionally, spiritually or academically. I couldn’t sit in another classroom for anything.

“Whatcha been doing man?” and other boring conversations ensued.

I was starved and ate the rest of his French fries. We talked and talked and my nerves were cramped from the coffee, free refills – no cream or sugar for me, and a shit in the bathroom.

He told me all about his intentions on being an artist, a rock god, a poet. He regaled me with stories of being on stage and soaking in the lights and the applause. He told me about a group of young men and women he had come to know who called themselves The Church. The Church was short for The First Interplanetary Church of the Immaculate Deception. The Church was a group of punk poets and social misfits who started their own religion.

It sounded fun.

I was no Christian, but I was an American – free exercise of religion is granted in the first amendment to the constitution – so the founding fathers must have thought pretty highly of this particular freedom. Imagine the persecution in the past from the crusades to the inquisitions, the holy wars, the Jewish-Roman wars, the Arab-Israeli wars, Jihad, The Taiping Rebellion and on and on and on.

The cement floor of Kramer’s dorm room was freezing. I laid out every article of clothing I owned from my duffel bag and made a nest. He was too homophobic to share his bed with me – and rightly so – who knows how amorous I would have been with his small frame in the middle of the night.

Upon noon coffee Kramer told me, “Today I’m going to take you to meet The Pope.”


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

God will eat your brain - part one. s

There was no time to lose; every moment was an electric eel in an ocean of snot – impossible to keep – shocking and exciting. I drove through the state of Tennessee in a mad pursuit of anything other than all I had ever known.

I sought the Holy Communion with the human species – the fragrant stink of the sexual opening – the tender tremble of the first kiss – the violent blow from the angry fist – the offensive epiphany – the source of the collected unconscious – the synaptic firing of the original neuron. I wanted to drink cheap wine with the marginal prophets scribbling their mad notes on the grand scheme, the species and the divine. I sought the spark of the big bang – the Buddha joke – the flower smoke – the great transparent hope – reason to believe that this is not all that there is.

Manic? You betcha!