Friday, December 3, 2010

Fresh Butter

from the chicken to the skillet

eggs from the basket

from the oven warm biscuits

hogs led to slaughter

the red barn smells of death and snake shit

chicken shit, feathers, dead skin cells and dust

hay fever itch and sneeze

farmer’s daughter hiding out blanket

learning to kiss and fondle and be fondled

warm mother breasts and wet panties

reproductive systems a go-go

milk the cows before the cock-a-doodle-do

churn the butter

rooster sings loud and confident


pigs in shit

muddy swine honking like geese

and shoving their faces in slop

rotting tomatoes and moldy corn

cast iron stomachs

tasty fat

squeal like a pig boy

stay up all night and shoot the dogs

the canine thieves with a new taste for blood

chickens is easy pickin’s

POW! Put a bullet through

the throat of the mean old dog, hollering

and squealing as it dies heading for home


cut the chicken’s throat

laugh as she circles about

flapping silently and squirting blood

about the sawdust and hay

dead head on the stump

pluck the feathers from dinner

take a hatchet to the snake

seven foot long sucker

sunbathing on the side of the barn


two confused serpentine tubes

spastically searching to reconnect


another thief of our food

those ground crawlers like eggs

swallows them whole

stretching that scaled face over

the protein rich orb


cut the head off

feed the pieces to the hogs

don’t let nothing go to waste boy

gravel road

chunks of cool rock

collapsing beneath the footsteps

mildew basement

where boxed memories rot

creaky staircases and a rusty car

that will never run again

dreams of setting fire to the house

and running away from home

running through the fields of wheat,

the dark and mysterious forest

across the road

with our surname on the street sign

familiarity is disgusting

turned sixteen

got a license and never looked back

put it in drive and turned the radio way up

got in so much trouble with the way it is

drugs, theft, scuffles with drunks

fights with kids,

entered at my own risk

read bad poems on spot-lit stages

for blowjobs and drinks

showing off my pretty face

and desperate attempt at understanding

the way it is

corn fed shoulder bluff

strut with no proof

dared the crazies to blaze me

afraid of no burn

metropolitan skyscraper eruption

vertical city blocking the sky

creating wind tunnels down the Avenue

autumn in New York

crisp brown leaves

as many as the stars

concrete jungle smog and pollution

of an energy greedy people

traffic noise


everyone is rubbing elbows

stacked one on top of the other it seems

apocalyptic future dreams

waiting for the meteor

neither rich nor poor



all of the chickens, pigs, horses

snakes, dogs and relatives dead


imagining all of the skyscrapers
